
IProject Properties

The properties of the IProject interface are listed below. For a complete list of IProject interface members, see the IProject Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

Description Gets the description of the IProject.
Forms Gets the IFormCollection that the IProject contains.
Groups Gets the IGroupCollection that the IProject contains.
ImagePathAbsolute Gets or sets the (absolute) path to a directory on the server where images contained in IForm instances should be stored.
ImagePathRelative Gets or sets the (relative) path to the directory where images contained in IForm objects are stored on the web server.
Languages Gets the languages of the IProject.
LastModification Gets a DateTime value indicating the time of the last modification to the current IProject.
Name Gets the name of the IProject.
Namespace Gets the namespace of the IProject.
Resolutions Gets the resolutions of the IProject.
Tasks Gets the tasks associated with this IProject.
UserGroups Gets the UserGroups of the IProject.

See Also

IProject Interface | Namespace